The Community Farm is an award winning organic box delivery service based in Chew Magna, near Bristol and Bath.
Our aim is to help people develop a better understanding of where their food comes from, reconnect with the land on which their food is grown, and learn more about sustainable farming.
Winner of Soil Association’s Box Scheme of the Year.
Get your organic fruit and veg with us and you’ll be signing-up to seasonal eating. You’ll enjoy fresh, tasty crops that are better for you and kinder to the environment. You’ll be supporting farmers and the local economy too.
We’ve all been spoilt by supermarkets and the seasonal servings in box schemes can sometimes seem ‘samey’. If you get bored by the roots and shoots, try treating yourself to our Veg Variety box. It’s full of UK and locally grown produce in the summer, and food from warmer climates during winter. The best of both worlds.
Based at The Community Farm entrance gate, Denny Lane, Chew Magna, you’ll find The Veg Shed.
Enjoy organic, seasonal produce, fresh from the field, as well as all your usual grocery favourites.
Customers can buy locally-sourced organic produce seven days a week, at our Organic Farm Shop in Bath. Find us at Green Park Station (near Sainsbury’s).
We’re open Monday through Sunday, with an extended product range that includes tinned foods, dried goods and preserves.
Whether it’s topping up your veg boxes, or planning for extra guests, our knowledgeable staff will be delighted to help.